CHP levy 2024

CHP levy 2024 in accordance to CHP Act (KWKG)

According to §26 KWKG in conjunction with §10 EnFG, the network operators are entitled to charge the costs for the expenses caused by the Act in the calculation of grid charges as a surcharge (CHP levy). The CHP levy is applied nationwide and is determined by the transmission network operators on the basis of the forecasts reported by the DSOs as well as by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA).

CHP levy for nonprivileged consumption 2024:

Year CHP Levy
2024 0.275 ct/kWh

Special provisions of §§21 – 39 EnFG shall be applied to the energy consumptions of privileged consumers.

Overview on CHP surcharges since 2002 you can find here .

Further useful information concerning CHP levy you can find on the  German TSO’s website.