Grid Losses
The Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz) and Electricity Grid Access Ordinance (Netzzugangsverordnung Strom) oblige the grid system operators to procure energy required for the compensation of grid losses (loss energy) in a transparent, market-oriented and non discriminating manner.
The german regulator (Bundesnetzagentur) has fixed the details of the tendering process and the determination method for grid losses on October 21st, 2008 within the published specification BK6-08-006. Therefore binding guidelines exist for the tendering process.
For Transmission System Operators (TSO) the above mentioned specification of the Bundesnetzagentur contains a structuring of the grid losses into a long-term and a short-term component.
To procure the long-term component a tender procedure as well as a procurement which is independently carried out by the TSO at a Power Exchange is allowed.
According to the specification of the Bundesnetzagentur Amprion GmbH will provide all information in terms of number of lots, amount of energy and structure of each lot three weeks before each tender date at the latest.
NB: Amprion reserves the right to amend and update all published information as and when necessary.
The German documents – especially the electricity supply contract – are the legally binding documents. The English documents and the English website are provided for convenience of reading only.
According to section 17, paragraph 3 no. 3 and 7 of the German Electricity Grid Access Ordinance (Stromnetzzugangsverordnung = StromNZV) and section 10 of the German Electricity Grid Charge Ordinance (Stromnetzentgeltverordnung = StromNEV), the volumes and prices of grid losses were as follows:
Year | Volume | Price |
2023 | 2,554,302 MWh | 14.583 ct/kWh |
2022 | 3,052,275 MWh | 7.258 ct/kWh |
2021 | 2,667,742 MWh | 4.095 ct/kWh |
2020 | 2,760,650 MWh | 5.108 ct/kWh |
2019 | 2,501,106 MWh | 3.512 ct/kWh |
2018 | 2,627,293 MWh | 2.780 ct/kWh |
2017 | 2,916,219 MWh | 3.049 ct/kWh |
2016 | 2,630,908 MWh | 3.713 ct/kWh |
2015 | 2,397,138 MWh | 3.697 ct/kWh |
2014 | 2,068,742 MWh | 4.625 ct/kWh |
2013 | 2,076,774 MWh | 5.421 ct/kWh |
2012 | 2,119,934 MWh | 5.916 ct/kWh |
2011 | 2,013,313 MWh | 5.543 ct/kWh |
2010 | 1,797,180 MWh | 5.179 ct/kWh |
2009 | 2,205,504 MWh | 8.307 ct/kWh |
2008 | 2,371,740 MWh | 5.566 ct/kWh |
2007 | 2,320,950 MWh | 5.786 ct/kWh |
2006 | 2,198,672 MWh | 3.960 ct/kWh |
2005 | 2,308,017 MWh | 3.512 ct/kWh |
2004 | 2,283,483 MWh | 3.193 ct/kWh |
The day ahead prognosis and the actual values of Amprions grid losses are needed by Amprion for the optimization of the procurement of its grid loss energy. This procurement is done in day ahead and intraday. For the optimization the day ahead prognosis is compared to the already procured long term values. The deviations are traded day ahead. During the actual day the day ahead prognosis is compared to the most recent actual values of the grid losses and resulting deviations are being balanced again.