Investment Highlights – Good reasons for Amprion
Amprion shares responsibility for the transmission grid in Germany with three other transmission system operators. Our customers pay grid tariffs to use the grid, the level of which is monitored by the State. Our business is subject to strict regulation.
It’s this regulation that enables us to fulfil our statutory obligation at all times. At the same time, it enables the legislators to ensure that the grid operators do not abuse their special position. The Federal Network Agency, as the regulatory authority, monitors both of the above. Apart from that, it also offers incentives to encourage efficiency.
Our Statutory Obligation:
- Operating a safe, reliable, and efficient energy supply system in a non-discriminatory manner
- Maintenance and needs-based optimization of the grid
- Strengthening and expansion of the network
Reasons to invest
1. Stability

- We fulfil our statutory obligations efficiently
- Stable regulatory framework guarantees a high security of investments
- Robust and independent of the economic cycle business model as infrastructure operator
- Long-term oriented shareholders provide planning security
- Solid investment grade rating (Moody’s: Baa1, stable outlook; Fitch: BBB+, stable outlook)
2. Profitability

- We are growing within our regulatory model
- Clear focus on:
- Reliable cash flows
- High cost-efficiency
- Revenue growth and proportionate profit development
- Reliable and balanced dividend policy
3. Future Viability

- Our core business is system-relevant infrastructure
- The decarbonization of economy and society is the driver of the grid expansion and innovation
- We are an enabler of the energy transition, the Green Deal and Fit for 55 and are implementing them sustainably
- Strength to innovate and technological competence are our compass
- Sustainability is part of our DNA
- Prospectively: environmentally sustainable economic activities and thus eligible according to EU taxonomy