Our Responsibilities
So the lights never go out
Amprion is one of four transmission system operators in Germany. Our extra-high-voltage power lines are lifelines of society. They carry electricity to 29 million people in an area that extends from the North Sea to the Alps. We keep the network stable and safe – and prepare the way for a climate-compatible energy system.
Statutory Obligation
Our obligation has been defined by the country’s legislators in Section 11 of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) as follows: “Operators of energy supply systems are obligated to operate and maintain, as well as optimise, strengthen and develop as needed, a safe, reliable, and efficient energy supply system in a non-discriminatory manner to the extent that this is economically feasible.” Section 12 of EnWG goes on to specify our responsibilities in respect of the transmission grid in greater detail.
Amprion - a regulated Company
Accordingly, Amprion is a regulated company with a statutory obligation. The legislators, or to be more precise, the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) as the regulatory authority, lays down the framework within which we are to conduct our business activities .
Our Responsibilities as a Transmission System Operator
The core remit of our activities is to operate our transmission grid safety and reliably and to develop, that is, expand, it in line with requirements. This means that we bear an enormous responsibility for the German economy and the roughly 29 million people who live and work in the area covered by our grid. Consequently, the safety and stability of our grid are and will always be the guiding criteria for everything we do. To continue in future to meet the growing demands regarding transmission capacity and flexibility, we are working intensively to integrate innovative technologies into our network.
At the same time, we are responsible for the coordination and subsequent system accounting both for the entire German transmission grid and the northern part of the European interconnected system.
Open Grid Access
Our grid serves as a physical platform for the electricity market . Prerequisite for the deregulated electricity market is open and cost-effective access to the grid. Amprion is consequently obligated to the strict principle of non-discrimination : We provide customers from industry, distribution system operators, electricity traders and power utilities with non-discriminatory access to our extra-high-voltage (EHV) grid via some 1,000 or so feed and take-off points at fair market prices.