StromNEV levy

The ordinance on grid charges (StromNEV) allows final consumers to apply for individual grid charges in accordance to § 19 Section 2 Sentences 1 and 2 StromNEV. Likewise, § 118 (6) sentence 9 EnWG provides an exemption from grid charges for, i.e. plants that produce hydrogen through water electrolysis. The transmission system operators are obliged to reimburse operators of electricity distribution networks for their lost revenues resulting from individual grid charges or exemptions from grid charges. Furthermore, transmission system operators are obliged to compensate each other for the lost revenues. In accordance to § 19 StromNEV Section 2 Sentence 7 lost revenues are apportioned to all final consumers (LV)following §§26, 28 and 30 KWKG (combined heat and power act) and §§ 21, 45, 46 EnFG (energy financing act).

As a result of the discontinuation of the federal subsidy originally intended to stabilize the TSO grid fees, the TSO grid fees had to be increased significantly on 13 December 2023 (see publication on grid fees). As a result, the Section 19 StromNEV levy published on 25.10.2023 must also be corrected accordingly, as this was calculated at the time on the basis of the lost revenue calculated by the DSOs using indicative TSO grid fees. The levy will be increased in consultation with the Federal Network Agency. Even if a subsequent increase in the Section 19 StromNEV levy in 2024 represents an additional financial burden for electricity customers, the Federal Network Agency believes it is necessary and appropriate, for example to avoid catch-up effects on the 2026 levy.

The § 19 StromNEV levy for 2024 will be charged to end consumers as from 01st January 2024.

Year Consumption category A’ (ct/kWh) Consumption category B’ (ct/kWh) Consumption category C’ (ct/kWh)
2024 0.643 ct/kWh 0.050 ct/kWh 0.025 ct/kWh

For electricity storage systems, charging points and storage gases, the § 19 StromNEV levy will be limited from 2021 onwards in accordance with the provisions of § 19 (2) StromNEV in conjunction with §21 EnFG as amended.

Further information concerning § 19 StromNEV levy can be found on the  common German TSOs’ website.

More information on grid charges you can find here .

For further queries regarding the § 19 StromNEV levy, please contact us: liaM-E

Consumption categories according to § 19 StromNEV in conjunction with §§ 26, 28 and 30 KWK-G

Consumption category A’:

End users pay for their annual consumption at one delivery point for the first 1,000,000 kWh/year the § 19 StromNEV levy which is reported in the table above.

Consumption category B’:

End users electricity consumption above 1,000,000 kWh/year of consumers that do not belong to consumer category C’. Consumers of this category pay for consumption above 1,000,000 kWh/year the reduced §19 StromNEV levy which is reported in the table above.

Consumption category C’:

End users electricity consumption above 1,000,000 kWh/year of end users belonging to the manufacturing industry, rail-bound traffic or railway infrastructure with annual consumption leading to electricity expenses of more than 4% of the total turnover of the previous business year. Consumers of this category pay for consumption above 1,000,000 kWh/year the reduced §19 StromNEV levy which is reported in the table above.

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