Highlights Sustainability Reports

At Amprion, 2023 was characterised by high investments in the grid infrastructure. A particularly important topic in the reporting year was the sustainable financing of grid expansion: In 2023, Amprion issued another green bond on the international capital market. The nominal volume was 1.2 billion euros. The proceeds received will be used exclusively for sustainable projects that meet the criteria of the Amprion Green Finance Framework. The annual Green Finance Investor Report, which Amprion published for the first time in 2023 for the year 2022, provides transparency regarding the use of funds. Further information on this topic and other progress can be found in the Update Sustainability Report 2023.

Highlights Sustainability Report 2022

The cover of the 2022 Sustainability Report in a horizontal format

Ways out of the energy crisis, Green Finance, offshore connections – the interviews in our Sustainability Report 2022 focus on our most important issues. How can we strike a balance between energy security and climate protection? What tasks must be covered by sustainable financing models? Where do we stand when it comes to building offshore connection systems?

Find out more in our interview highlights!

Das Bild zeigt eine Stromtrasse im Sonnenuntergang. Mittig im Bild zu sehen ist ein Windrad im Hintergrund ein Wald, im Vordergrund ein abgeerntetes Feld.

Energy Crisis

How energy transition can succeed

Ein grünes Bild von einer Freileitung in einem Feld bei Sonnenschein

Green Finance

Why sustainability pays off

Ein schwarzes Schlauchboot auf dem Meer neben einem roten Rohr. Im Hintergrund sind in Blau die Umrisse von Windrädern angedeutet.


Bringing offshore power onshore