Supervisory Board

Since July 2020, Amprion has more than 2000 employees and has therefore switched in accordance with the German Co-Determination Act to a supervisory board with parity representation. The new supervisory board now consists of 16 members, half of whom represent the employees and half the shareholders.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Uwe Tigges
Former Executive Board Chairman (CEO), innogy SE
1st Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Detlef Börger-Reichert *
Chairman of Amprion GmbH’s Works Council at its Dortmund site and Deputy Chairman of the General Works Council of Amprion GmbH
2nd Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Markus Altenhoff
Managing Director – Capital Investments – of Ärzteversorgung Westfalen-Lippe (An institution of the Westfalen-Lippe Medical Association (a statutory body))
Dr. Christoph Gehlen *
Member of the Company Spokesman Committee of Amprion GmbH, Head of Power Lines at Amprion GmbH
Wolfgang Hölzle *
Chairman of Amprion GmbH’s Works Council at its Hoheneck site and member of the General Works Council of Amprion GmbH
Gudrun Janßen *
Deputy ver.di District Manager for Westphalia, responsible for the Supply and Waste Management Department
Helga Jungheim *
ver.di Union Secretary in the Supply and Waste Management Department (district Aachen/Düren/Erft)
Natalie Kornowski *
Chairwoman of Amprion GmbH’s Works Council at its Brauweiler site and Chairwoman of the General Works Council of Amprion GmbH
Frank Lefeber *
Member of Amprion GmbH’s Works Council at its Dortmund site and member of the General Works Council of Amprion GmbH
Dr. Thomas Mann
Executive Board Spokesman at Ampega Investment GmbH, Managing Director of Ampega Asset Management GmbH
Christoph Manser
Head Infrastructure Investments, Swiss Life Asset Managers
Dr. Michael Müller
Chief Financial Officer RWE AG Essen
Roland Oppermann
Chief Financial Officer, SV SparkassenVersicherung Holding AG
Robert Pottmann
Global Head of Illiquid Assets Equity, MEAG MUNICH ERGO AssetManagement GmbH
Fred Riedel
Financial auditor / tax consultant
Nerima Uzeirovic *
Member of Amprion GmbH’s Works Council at its Dortmund site and member of the General Works Council of Amprion GmbH

The members of the Supervisory Board marked with an * are employee representatives.