Ein Handschlag zweier Menschen in Geschäftskleidung. Im Vordergrund ist die Spiegelung einer Glasscheibe erkennbar.

At Amprion, procurement means embracing responsibility. Our procurement team is the process owner that manages all procurement processes across the company. This central role generates continual added value for Amprion by developing tailor-made and innovative solutions for a range of business areas. Decisions are taken collectively in the team with all stakeholders on a level playing field, which helps us to achieve our environmental and growth targets. We are mindful of our responsibility in everything we do and act flexibly with a customer-focused, sustainable approach – always in keeping with our overarching Amprion values .


Along our value chain, we advocate the recognition, promotion and observance of fundamental values in the fields of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and fighting corruption. We expect the same from our external partners, too.

For this reason, in our “General Terms and Conditions of Purchase and Payment” (GTCP), we require our suppliers and service providers to uphold human rights, comply with industrial safety and environmental protection legislation as well as to act in a legally and ethically impeccable manner.

In implementing our duty of care in respect of human rights, we are guided by the National Action Plan for “Business and Human Rights”. In line with the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), Amprion will establish binding due care and diligence processes in the coming years for the purpose of monitoring and promoting compliance with environmental law and human rights along the supply chain.
We support the initiative  The Greener Choice.

We would like our suppliers to migrate to more sustainable business models as far as they are able. We expect all suppliers to scrutinise their value chains, including in terms of provenance, recycling ratio and emissions from raw-materials manufacturing and logistics. If possible, suppliers should create standardised life-cycle assessments for their products and services and exchange this information with us via shared communication platforms. This will form the basis for our transition to net zero.

Additionally, we encourage suppliers of all sizes and sectors to perform ESG performance analyses. These help a company ascertain its strengths and weaknesses and define its approach to sustainability. At the same time, such analyses enable us as a customer to assess suppliers’ performance and reward the front runners.


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