Information for whistle-blowers

As a transmission system operator, Amprion operates in a space shaped by many regulations and laws. We are constantly aware of our social responsibility, and our actions are guided by personal responsibility, truthfulness, integrity and respect for our fellow human beings and the environment. Our foremost priority is to observe and comply with legal and internal regulations such as compliance guidelines and the principles of our Compliance Code of Conduct. Living up to this aspiration means hearing about infringements and misconduct, and taking steps as a consequence in accordance with the law. Tip-offs can be about violations of the law or breaches of compliance regulations.

Our employees, suppliers, service providers and business partners can report breaches and misconduct through our whistle-blowing system, which is an independent, unbiased, confidential place for reporting. Our system ensures that reports are handled binding and securely. Reported information is investigated using a procedure which is fair. As a whistle-blower, you will be afforded the greatest possible protection. Amprion does not tolerate discrimination against whistle-blowers in the wake of a report. We always maintain confidentiality within the reporting procedure. We protect the identity of the whistle-blower, anyone who is the subject of the report and anyone else named in it. Information is processed fairly and protected throughout the entire procedure.

As a whistle-blower, you can report to us by telephone or in writing using the contact details below. You can also report infringements anonymously. Reports can be sent either to our Compliance Officer Dr Christoph Richter, or to our Ombudsman Dr Thomas Höch. As well as our own reporting office, a report can be made to the Federal Government’s external reporting centre.

Dr Thomas Höch
Rechtsanwalt Höch & Partner
Wittekindstr. 30
44139 Dortmund
T: +49 231 22 22 76 76
Email: ed.rentrap-hceoh@nnamsdubmo
Dr Christoph Richter
Head of Risk Management/Compliance/Data Privacy
T: +49 231 5849-13100
Email: ten.noirpma@rethcir.hpotsirhc