Press Releases 2022

Making the economic value of security of supply visible

Stakeholder Platform on Electricity Market Design publishes final paper. Availabilities are increasingly becoming the "reserve currency" in the electricity market. Further developed electricity market design must ensure the financing of supply-dependent and controllable generation plants and provide investment incentives.


Successful green bond debut of Amprion on the international bond market

The transmission system operator Amprion has successfully placed its first Green Bond on the international capital market. The 1.8 billion euro bond, issued within Amprion's debt issuance programme, was oversubscribed several times. weiterlesen

Amprion presents IFRS figures for the first time

The transmission system operator Amprion GmbH presents IFRS figures for the Amprion Group, consisting of Amprion GmbH and Amprion Offshore GmbH, for the first time following the conversion of the accounting standards. weiterlesen

Moody’s Investors Service confirms “Baa1” rating for Amprion; outlook raised to “stable”

The transmission system operator Amprion has received a rating of "Baa1" with a stable outlook from the rating agency Moody's Investors Service. weiterlesen

Acht Personen, darunter eine Frau, stehen in einem modernen Konferenzraum und posieren für ein Gruppenfoto. Alle tragen Business-Kleidung und wirken professionell. Der Hintergrund zeigt ein großes Logo in Violett und Blau, einen Bildschirm mit einer Offshore-Plattform sowie ein blaues Banner mit „Amprion verbindet“. Der Raum ist modern und gut beleuchtet.

Amprion Offshore awards converter stations to Siemens Energy and Dragados Offshore

Amprion Offshore GmbH has awarded Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG and Dragados Offshore S.A. to build the converter stations for the DolWin4 and BorWin4 offshore grid connection systems. weiterlesen

vier Männer in orangefarbenen Sicherheitswesten werfen mit ihren Schaufeln Sand in die Luft. Sie haben sichtlich Spaß und schauen dabei in Richtung Kamera. Der Sand fliegt in kleinen Klumpen durch die Luft. Im Hintergrund sind wieder das Meer, der blaue Himmel und die „Amprion verbindet“-Fahnen zu sehen.

Ground breaking ceremony for Amprion's first offshore grid connections

Construction work has begun on the DolWin4 and BorWin4 offshore grid connection systems: On Norderney's North Beach, Lower Saxony's Environment Minister Olaf Lies and island mayor Frank Ulrichs symbolically broke ground with employees of Amprion. weiterlesen

Das Bild zeigt das Cover des „Update Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2021“ von Amprion. Der Hintergrund ist grün mit stilisierten Illustrationen von Windkraftanlagen und Stromleitungen. Im Vordergrund ist die Silhouette einer Person zu sehen. Oben rechts befindet sich das Amprion-Logo mit dem Schriftzug „Amprion verbindet“. Die Worte „UPDATE NACHHALTIGKEITSBERICHT 2021“ sind in einer grünen Sprechblase hervorgehoben.

Amprion sets target for CO2 reductions

The transmission system operator Amprion plans to reduce its CO2 emissions by at least 63 percent by 2032. weiterlesen

Fitch Ratings affirms “BBB+” rating for Amprion GmbH

The transmission system operator Amprion was rated “BBB+” with a stable outlook by the rating agency Fitch Ratings. This affirms the current rating. weiterlesen

Cover des Marktberichts 2022. Eine Trasse auf grüner Wiese, im Hintergrund Windkraftanlagen.

Amprion market report: European cooperation absorbs upheaval in the electricity market

Electricity market under stress, especially in Q4 2021. European market integration absorbs effects. Targeted grid expansion measures and further development of market design necessary. weiterlesen

Amprion achieves top result in first ESG Risk Rating

ESG Risk Rating by Sustainalytics confirms Amprion’s sustainability strategy; Ranked 4th out of 300 worldwide in the “electric utilities” category; Rated as “Low Risk”


Gelbe Offshore-Plattform im Meer.

Amprion steps up investments in the transformation of the energy system and continues to grow

The transmission system operator Amprion continues to grow and is stepping up its investments in the energy system. weiterlesen

Public planning procedure starts for the “Exclusive Economic Zone” section of DolWin4

Amprion Offshore GmbH has started the planning approval procedure for DolWin4 in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the North Sea. This is based on the completeness certification of the planning approval documents by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. weiterlesen