Decentralised Grid Booster

Together with  E.ON and  LEW Verteilnetz (LVN). Amprion wants to connect a network of battery modules to the distribution grid in Swabia. The aim is to increase the utilisation of power lines in the transmission grid and thus reduce the costs of congestion management. The project is part of the 2037/2045 (2023) grid development plan (NDP) as P510, which has been confirmed by the Federal Network Agency.


The reorganisation of the energy system is in full swing. In the process, grid operation is becoming increasingly complex. Time and again, transmission system operators have to reduce power generation at certain points and increase it elsewhere in order to avoid overloading individual lines. This so-called redispatch has been increasing for years. The costs for this in the German transmission grid amount to several billion euros every year - a burden on our economy.

In addition to the urgently required grid expansion, measures are therefore needed in the short term to reduce the number of redispatch measures in the transmission grid. One of these is the so-called decentralised grid booster. The network of battery modules can provide its power as an additional safety buffer at any time. This means that the threshold at which redispatch becomes necessary can be set higher.

This has two effects: Firstly, the lines in the transmission grid can be utilised to a greater extent during normal operation. Secondly, the battery network counteracts line bottlenecks - because it relieves the power grid within seconds when requested by Amprion, i.e. faster than conventional power plants ever could.

Bavarian Swabia is particularly well suited as a location for the decentralised grid booster, as power plants often have to be ramped up for redispatch, especially in southern Germany. Thanks to the grid booster, these mostly conventional power plants will be needed less frequently.

We explain how the decentralised grid booster works in this video:


The unique aspect of the project: Instead of a centralised plant connected directly to the transmission grid, Amprion, E.ON and LVN are planning to divide the grid booster between five locations in Bavarian Swabia. Existing substations in the LVN grid area are planned as grid connection points. This modular approach reduces the connection costs, increases the availability of the grid booster and reduces the impact on the landscape at the individual locations.

Each module consists of several battery units with switching and control technology. The decentralised grid booster is expected to have a total capacity of 250 megawatts.


The battery storage facility is to be built and operated by external service providers. Amprion is currently preparing the tender for this. Information on the preliminary market enquiry and the planned tender can be found here .

Niklas Tenberge
Niklas Tenberge
Project Spokesman Region South