• Close collaboration between TSOs
  • Security Service Centre in Rommerskirchen (Germany) monitors security of supply

The joint German Dutch Security Service Centre (SSC) in the German town of Rommerskirchen is celebrating its first birthday. As the first European centre of its kind, the SSC has successfully concluded its first year of operation. At the centre, a joint team of experts from the participating German grid operator Amprion GmbH and its Dutch counterpart TenneT TSO B.V. supports the security management of the high voltage grids of Germany and the Netherlands.

From the new centre in Rommerskirchen, just outside Cologne, German and Dutch engineers provide the grid operators with supra regional security calculations, locate bottlenecks in the grid and support the system operation activities of TenneT and Amprion with analyses.

The SSC played a pivotal role on 18 November of last year. Exceptionally high wind energy production levels had been forecast for this day, resulting in a massive flow of energy from north to south. The forecasts were indeed realised during the afternoon of 18 November, when production peaked at nearly 21,000 MW. A day earlier, TenneT and Amprion staff at the SSC in Rommerskirchen had jointly developed a solution for the expected grid situation.

The Netherlands reduced its electricity exports and began importing more electricity from Germany via the substation at Meeden in the north of the country. The Belgian TSO ELIA also provided an active contribution towards safeguarding the security of supply for millions of consumers in the Netherlands and Germany.