Offshore grid levy since 2013

Offshore grid levy for nonprivileged consumption according to §17f EnWG (in the version valid from 1st January 2019)

Year Offshore grid levy
2024 0.656 ct/kWh
2023 0.591 ct/kWh
2022 0.419 ct/kWh
2021 0.395 ct/kWh
2020 0.416 ct/kWh
2019 0.416 ct/kWh

Special provisions of §§27 and 27a to 27c KWKG resp. §§21-39EnFG in the respective valid version shall be applied to the energy consumptions of privileged consumers.

Offshore liability levy according to § 17f EnWG (in the version valid before 1st January 2019)

Year Consumption category A' Consumption category B' Consumption category C'
2018 0.037 ct/kWh 0.049 ct/kWh 0.024 ct/kWh
2017 -0.028 ct/kWh 0.038 ct/kWh 0.025 ct/kWh
2016 0.040 ct/kWh 0.027 ct/kWh 0.025 ct/kWh
2015 -0.051 ct/kWh 0.050 ct/kWh 0.025 ct/kWh
2014 0.025 ct/kWh 0.050 ct/kWh 0.025 ct/kWh
2013 0.250 ct/kWh 0.050 ct/kWh 0.025 ct/kWh

Further useful information concerning offshore liability levy you can find on the common  internet portal of German TSOs.

Consumption category A':

End users pay for their annual consumption at one delivery point for the first 1,000,000 kWh/year the offshore liability-levy which is reported in the table above.

Consumption category B':

End users electricity consumption above 1,000,000 kWh/year of consumers that do not belong to consumer category C. Consumers of this category pay for consumption above 1,000,000 kWh/year the reduced offshore liability-levy which is reported in the table above.

Consumption category C':

End users electricity consumption above 1,000,000 kWh/year of end users belonging to the manufacturing industry, rail-bound traffic or railway infrastructure with annual consumption leading to electricity expenses of more than 4% of the total turnover of the previous calendar year. Consumers of this category pay for consumption above 1,000,000 kWh/year the reduced offshore liability-levy which is reported in the table above